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Kimberley Stephens

Author: Kimberley Stephens
Marketing Coordinator, LanguageWire

LanguageWire receives numerous diverse orders from us. Regardless of how and when we order our translations, we are always assured of getting a high quality product back from LanguageWire – not just in terms of the actual translated text, but also regarding delivery, security and service.

Instant translation keeps your organisation moving forward

Review documents

Does your Regional Director in Brazil need approval for a job description, in Portuguese? Instant translation helps you make the right decision at the opportune time.

Share more effectively

When you need to communicate something to your colleagues quickly, and understood locally, LanguageWire Translate lets you inform them when it’s most crucial, rather than convenient.

Engage on social

Improving engagement and customer satisfaction on social media can’t always wait for the next available representative. Say “hello” in their language, right now.

Patch it now

Your app’s security update is ready for release, but the patch notes are in English and your customer’s in France. LanguageWire Translate keeps your team agile, your work secure, and your product in play.

Stay a step ahead

Your Sales Director in Germany wants an early look at the size of the new sales brochure for their markets. Drag and drop it into LanguageWire Translate to fix character length issues before they arise.

Seamless workflow

Enhance your workflow and eliminate the need for manual copying and pasting by securely translating content directly from your Edge browser.